It’s that time of the year again when most of us want to look all neat and organized with clean wardrobes, well-scrubbed kitchen cupboards and clutter free.
However, one of the things we often neglect during our cleaning routines is the air conditioner filters. Sure, though a tiny element of a bigger unit, filters play a crucial function in our homes. They are responsible for clean air, reduced operational costs and improved energy efficiency.
Of course, the filters are one component that will require your attention, but the exciting news is that they are very easy to clean and change. Below are a few ways to give yours a refreshing.
But first…..
Why are your filters so important?
Even though replacing filters can appear like a small and insignificant detail, there are a myriad of reasons why you ought to give them great attention. First, remember the crucial role that filters play in ensuring your air is clean and fresh. If you’re in doubt, try and open your indoor unit and check your filters—you could be blown away by the amount of debris and dust they do accumulate. If this kind of debris is left in your unit for a certain period of time, it can significantly affect the quality of air your family breathes. As allergens are released into the air, your household could suffer from possible side effects including fatigue, headaches, colds and asthma symptoms.
The other important reason why you ought to check, change and clean your filters on a regular basis is the cost element, that’s right. Any unit that ends up clogged with dirt has to strain to function, hence resulting in high electricity bills. Dirt or dust can enter the machine and cause breakdowns or premature failures that would result in costly repairs.
How often should you replace your filter?
If you are yet to clean your air conditioner’s filter, pause—you’re not alone! Many Australians just don’t know that this is necessary and haven’t been informed otherwise. However, the Energy Start reveals that filters need to be cleaned or replaced on a monthly basis during the winter and summer months.
While this may sound like overkill, you will be surprised at just how much grime is accumulated in a short period of time.
How to make your filters look fresh
There are two major types of filters” those that can be washed and re-used and those that are simply thrown away and then replaced. Your number one assignment will be to work out which of these two types of filters are integrated in your air conditioner. If your filter is the disposable type, then skip steps 2 and 3 as shown below. Be sure to get a replacement filter before you can start the process.
1. Find where the air conditioner filter is. If your system is ducted, the filter is located at the back of the return air grille found in the ceiling, usually set in a hallway. If yours is a split system, raise the front fascia cover, carefully remove the filters and clean them.
2. After identifying your filter, wash it thoroughly under a tap.
3. Put the filter under a shade to dry well before reinstalling it.
4. Do not turn on the unit until the filter is safely put back in its original place.
5. We recommend that you schedule to do this again in two or three months’ time.
If the instruction manual that accompanied the air conditioner is still available, take time to flip through and see if there are any specific tips or instructions on how to clean your unit’s filters.
Getting the right replacement
Just like your vacuum cleaner bags, your filters come in various sizes and are usually manufactured from either polyester-based media or resin-based rigid filters set in an aluminum frame. If you need help finding a suitable filter for your unit, Hielscher Electrical is ready take care of all your filter needs from maintenance, cleaning to replacement and repair.
Last modified: 27 October 2021
Well worth a read. Got great insights and information from your blog. Thanks.
Thanks for the feedback Declan.